
python tutorial

in the python tutorial i learned about booleans. this is an example of boolean values. i used it here to find out if something was true of false. for example, 10 > 9, this is true. 10 = 9 this is false. we can use this to create different outcomes based on is something is true or false. for example, you could tell the program that x = 5 and y = 10 and if one of those numbers are higher than the other, we can program is to give a unique response, so if x = 5 and y = 10 it would "YES" but if at any point x becomes higher than y we could make it respond "NO" some of the simpler stuff has taught me about includes things like variables and creating text, as well as adding comments to lines of code to keep myself organized. one thing i found a little more confusing were data types, and if I'm going to be honest, I don't think I have fully understood yet. I have also learned about list which are a really cool and easy way to store multiple items in a single vari

finished game (kinda)

 finished my game today. I enjoyed making eh map he most and being able to be creative with it. I got all the code done however most of it is useless since we have the problem with harvesting the crystal, so you can play the game, but you can't really do anything. these are pictures of the finished map and its point of interest locations. full overview of the map. compared to last tine I have added a lot more terrain difference with more rock's trees and small elevation changes.
 I added a lava parkour section to my game. when you get across you have access to better crystals. the lave kills you. i changed the top of the mountain to snowy and cold so that the map would be little more interesting. at the top of the mountain I added a cave where you can access a different rarity of crystal i also added to code to harvest but am having trouble getting it to work

Monday, dec 11 2023

 today i spent my time making the terrain of my map more interesting by adding trees, bodies of water and different ground material like stone and mud. I also added a new point of interest for the player. some antient ruins with a crystal that they can harvest.
 i finished the story telling tutorial and started on my adventure game. this is me making paths on my map for the player to follow. this is the whole map so far that i have made using the editor tools, like sculpting and painting. this is the code that I wrote to allow the player to answer questions and make the book. respond. this is just the book stand. this was the whole story when i finished with all the code.
  today I finished the spaceship race and started the beginning of the story ROBLOX tutorial. in this photo i was editing, moving, and rotating the pieces the game gave me to create my speeder within the boundaries of the platform, this is what my speeder looked like when it was done. this is me testing out my speeder in the game. I had to transfer the speeder into a folder called garage in order to use it.

ROBLOX. mansion and intro

today I did the ROBLOX  introduction as well at the mansion. I made a small platformer parkour game and explored the mansion game. I changed the particles color as the tutorial instructed. you can see here this is the introduction. unfortunately, after I published it i could not open it again, so this is the only screenshot I got.  this is the mansion here are the first particles that I edited. and this is the second.